Installation ============ Requirements ------------ mustache box has no particular dependencies. As a django-app it need a working version of Django >= 1.3. But in order to use the example backend, particulary the page listing all the graphs you can use, you have to install the docutils. so just clone this repository : Cloning the repository ---------------------- :: hg clone Install Steps ------------- Adding the app to the INSTALLED_APPS ____________________________________ :: # INSTALLED_APPS = ( ... 'mustachebox', ) Defining a GRAPH_BACKEND ________________________ As mustachebox rely on a backend, you must define your own. It's realy easy however. For a starting point, you can use the monitor_backend. This backend exist for testing and example purpose. :: GRAPH_BACKEND="mustachebox.backends.example_backend" Add the mustachebox urls to your project ________________________________________ include mustachbox to your urls : :: url(r'^graphs/', include('mustachebox.urls')), Testing ------- To start playing with MustacheBox, you can visit : (http://localhost:8000/grapher/all/) That list all the graphs the example backend can give you. You can learn how to use mustachebox and create your own graph with following :doc:`quickstart`